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Tag Archives: Roads and Highways

What is Alignment of Road

What is Alignment of The Road

What is Alignment of The Road ? The position occupied by the center line of the Road in plan is called alignment of road. The new road should be aligned very carefully as the cost of the Construction, maintenance, safety & ease in travel etc. depends much upon the alignment …

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Why Camber Is Provided In Road

Types Of Camber

Types Of  The Road Camber – Advantages & Methods Of Providing Camber What Is The Camber ? Camber is the slope provided to Road Surface in the transverse direction to drain off the rainwater from the road surface. It is also known as cross slope of the road. In this article, …

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Quantity Survey And Types of Estimate

Quantity Survey – Types of Estimate -Project-Estimates

A Guide on Estimation, Quantity Survey – Types of Estimate. In this article, you are going to learn in details about the Estimation, Quantity Survey And types of Estimate in Construction Project. You will also learn rough Cost Estimate for buildings, Roads and Highways, Irrigation Channels, Bridges and Culverts, Water …

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