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Calculate The Staircase Shuttering Quantity

How To Calculate The Staircase Shuttering Qty ( Quantity )

In this Article, I will show u the step-by-step process to calculate the required shuttering qty for the staircase.

The estimation process of the staircase shuttering materials is almost the same as calculation process of slab’s shuttering materials. Yet there is the little difference. However, let’s see…

How To Calculate The Staircase Shuttering Qty

Step – One :-

Calculate The Sheathing Materials.

Generally, wooden lumber is used as a sheathing material. The size of the lumber is normally one″ × Six″.

With that, let’s calculate the sheathing for the waist slab.

typical section of staircase

To do that, obtain the Staircase‘s design. It will resemble the picture below.

Plan Of staircase

This is a prime example of a staircase layout. Get the stairwell section as well. It will seem as follows:

stair case section

With that-

The Calculate inclined length of the waist slab using by the Pythagorean theorem.

= √{(5′)Two+(7½′)2} = Nine feet.

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Civil Engineering Basic Knowledge

Now, Calculate The sheathing materials for waist slab.

In my example, the width of  waist slab is four feet.

waist slab

But the sheathing should extend Six inches beyond each side of  waist slab to support stringer bracing blocks. So, the sheathing width for waist slab will be,

= four′ + Six″ + Six″ = Five′ And, the area of the sheathing is,

= Width of the sheathing × Length of the sheathing

= five′ × nine′ [The length of the sheathing is equal to the inclined length of waist slab]

= Forty Five sq.ft. As we are using 1-inch thick lumber, the qty of the required wood will be,

= 45 sq.ft. × one″

= 3.73 cubic feet. [One″ = 0.083′] This is for 1 waist slab.

But we have 2 waist slabs. So the required wood for the both waist slabs is,

= Two × 3.73 = 7.46 cubic feet.

Now Next, Calculate the sheathing for the landing slab.

stair landing

From the Photo –

The width of slab is four feet. If sheathing extends six inches beyond both sides of landing to support stringer bracing blocks, it will be,

= four′ + Six″ + Six″

= Five′

Similarly, the length will be:

= (8′-Six″) + Six″ + Six″

= 9½′ So, the sheathing area for landing is,

= Five′ × 9½′

= 47.5 sq.ft. &, for One″ thick lumber, the qty of the required wood is,

= 47.5 sq.ft. × One″

= 3.94 cubic feet. [One″ = 0.083′]

So, The total qty of the lumber for sheathing for our example staircase is,

= 7.46 + 3.94 = 11.40 cubic feet.

Say, twelve cubic feet.

Step-Two Calculate Joists :-

The Calculate Joists are used below the sheathing to support them. These also help to adjust the level of staircase.

stair case joist

Normally, Two″ × four″ wooden batten are used at 2 feet centers for this purpose.

With that, 1st, Calculate joists for waist slab.

The formula is,

= Number of the joists × Length of the joist

The number of the joists is,

= Width of the sheathing for the waist slab ÷ Distance of between joists

= five′ ÷ two′ = 2½

Say, three nos. And, the length of the joist is equal to the length of waist slab which is nine feet (see above).

So, the required qty of the joists are,

= three × nine′ = twenty seven running feet.

For 2 waist slabs, we need,

= two × 27 = Fifty four running feet.

Next, Calculate the joists for the landing slab.

The formula is, = Number of the joists × Length of the joist Here,

The number of the joists is,

= Length of landing ÷ distance of between joists

= 8½′ ÷ two′ = 4.25 Say, five nos. And, the length of the joist for the landing is somehow equal to the width of the landing which is four feet.

So, the required joists are,

= five × four′ = twenty running feet.

And, the total required of joists for our example staircase is,

= Joists for waist slab + joists for landing

= 54 + twenty = 74 running feet.

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Step Three Calculate Supports :-

Supports are used below joists at two feet centers. U can use bamboo or wooden post (Four″ × Four″) for this purpose.

The formula for the calculating supports is,

= (Length of the joists ÷ distance of between supports) × length of the post.

Here, The length of the joists is seventy four running feet (we calculated this above). Distance between supports is two feet. And, Length of the support varies as the height of the waist slab is not constant.

That’s why, we will take half of floor height which is five feet (The floor height is normally Ten feet).

So, the required post for the supports is,

= (seventy four′ ÷ Two′) × Five′ = 185 Running feet.

Step Four Calculate Stringer :-

The Calculate Stringer is used on both sides of the steps.


The height of stringer is normally 1 foot.

So, the area of the stringers for waist slab is,

= Two × Length of the waist slab × Height of stringer

= Two × Nine′ × One′ [we calculated the length of the waist slab above]

= Eighteen Square feet. For both waist slabs,

= Two × 18 = Thirty six square feet.

Normally, One” thick lumber is used for the stringers. Therefore, the required qty of the wood for this is,

= 36 × One” [One” = 0.083′]

= 2.98 Say, Three cubic feet.

Step Five :-

Calculate Riser’s Face The area of the riser faces is,

= Number of the riser × Height of the riser × Width of the step
rise face


The number of the risers is,

= Floor height ÷ Riser height

= Ten’ ÷ Six” = twenty nos.

From the above formula,

= twenty × 6” × four’ = Forty square feet. [Six” = ½’]

Normally, One” thick lumber is used for the riser face.

Therefore, the lumber qty is,

= forty sq.ft × One” = 3.32 cubic feet. [One”=0.083’]

Say, Four feet.

These are somehow the required shuttering materials for the staircase.

Step Six :-

Summarize Shuttering Materials For The Staircase

One” × Six” lumber = Nineteen cubic feet (Sheathing = twelve cubic feet, Stringer = three cubic feet, Riser = four cubic feet).

Two” × Four” wooden batten = Seventy Four running feet

Four × 4” wooden batten = One Eighty Five running feet

Conclusion :-

There is no hard & fast rule for the calculating shuttering materials for the staircase. And there is no rule that which shuttering materials U will use for the staircase’s formwork. Most of time you can use materials that are available in your project. I have just tried to give u an idea of how to calculate the shuttering materials for the staircase.

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About Raja Junaid Iqbal

Hi My name is Raja Junaid Iqbal and i am Land Surveyor by Profession but I've specialized in the field of Q,S and land development. As Professional Surveyor I engaged my self in all over the Gulf since 14 years.

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