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How To Calculate The Volume Of Concrete Triangular Pile Cap Having 3-Piles

How To Calculate The Volume Of Concrete Triangular Pile Cap Having 3-Piles

Let us calculate the volume of concrete in a triangular pile foundation having 3 nos. of the pile, as shown below.


Pile Cap Calculation 01


Given data:

Pile diameter = 0.6m.( d )

No. of piles = 3 nos.

Length of pile = 16m. (h )

Depth of the pile cap = 0.9m.(D )

The volume of concrete in the piles

= 3nos.× πr2 h


r = radius of the pile.

= d ÷ 2

= 0.6m ÷ 2

= 0.3m.


h = length of the pile.

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The volume of concrete in piles

= 3nos. × 3.142 × (0.3m)2 × 16m.

= 13.57 cum.

The volume of concrete in the pile cap :

The volume of  pile cap concrete

=  Surface area (A ) × depth ( D )

First, let us calculate the sectional area (A1) of rectangle ABCD, as shown in the below drawing.


triangular pile cap 02


Area of rectangle ABCD (A1)

=L × B

= 2.2m × 2.0m

= 4.4 sqm.


To get the surface area ( A) of the pile cap, we have to deduct the area of triangles AEF & GDH from the rectangle area.

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Triangle AEF = triangle GDH

Area of triangle AEF 

= 0.5 × base × height.

= 0.5 × side AE × side AF

Side AE

= [ ( 1/2 ×side BC ) – (1/2 × side EG )]

=  [ ( 1/2 ×2m. ) – (1/2 × 0.6m. )]

= [ 1m – 0.3 m ]

= 0.7m.

Side AF

= side AB – side FB

= 2.2m – 0.7m

= 1.5m.

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I have redrawn the triangle, with the calculated length of the sides AF & AE as shown below.


pile cap calculation 03


Area of triangle AEF

 = 0.5 × side AE × side AF

= 0.5 × 0.7m × 1.5m.

= 0.525 sqm.

The surface area of the pile cap (A )

= [area of rectangle ABCD – (2nos. × area of a triangle AEF )]

= [4.4 sqm. – (2nos. × 0.525sqm.)]

= [4.4 sqm. – 1.05 sqm.]

= 3.35 sqm.

Now, the concrete vol. of pile cap

= surface area (A ) × depth (D )

= 3.35 sqm. × 0.9m.

= 3.015 cum.

The total concrete volume of 3-pile foundation

= The vol. of concrete in pile cap + total vol. of concrete in piles.

= 3.015 cum + 13.57 cum.

=  16.585 cum.

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About Raja Junaid Iqbal

Hi My name is Raja Junaid Iqbal and i am Land Surveyor by Profession but I've specialized in the field of Q,S and land development. As Professional Surveyor I engaged my self in all over the Gulf since 14 years.

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