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What Is Difference Between Camber and Super Elevation In Road

What Is Difference Between Camber and Super Elevation In Road

Camber and Super-elevation in road is the important part of roadway or width of formation. Camber is provided at the center of carriageway to drain off rainwater from road surface. Super-elevation is provided at the edge of roadway in curve road or pavement to ensure safely passage of fast-moving motor vehicles without overturning or skidding.

Camber is defined as the slope of road provided to the road surface in the transverse direction to drain off the surface drain and rainwater from the road surface and also ensure vehicles should be safely regulated to the proper lane. It is also known as the cross slope of the road. It is generally expressed in fraction and in percentage such as 1 in n or X%.

What Is Difference Between Camber and Super Elevation In Road

Main objectives and purpose of providing camber in road so that vehicles should be regulated to the proper lanes, drain off the surface drain and rainwater from the road surface and hence making it more durable. It also helps in subgrade protection by proper drainage and hence to make the surface of road or pavement more impervious and quick drying of payment which in turn increases safety.

Generally there are three types of camber is provided in all type of road those who are made of cement concrete Road, Bituminous road, gravel road and earthen road. Three types of camber are straight camber, parabolic camber and mixed camber. It is categorized according to shape.

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When any motor vehicle such as truck, buses, motorcycles & others is moving on horizontally a curved surface of road or pavement, they experience to an outward force known as centrifugal force. In order to counteract the effect of centrifugal force acting on wheels of vehicle, the outer edge of the pavement or road is raised with respect to the inner edge of road. This transverse inclination provided to the pavement surface or road is known as Super-elevation. It is also known as Cant or Banking.

Super-elevation in road is defined as transverse inclination provided to the curve portion of road in which the outer edge of road or pavement is raised with respect to inner edge. Thus it providing a transverse slope throughout the length of curve of road to ensure safely passes of fast moving vehicles without overturning and skidding.

Difference between camber and Super-Elevation in road

The key difference between camber and super elevation in road is that camber is the slope of road provided to the road surface in which center of roadway is slightly raised and edge of road is kept narrower, it is provided in transverse direction to drain off the rainwater from the road surface whereas Super-elevation in road is transverse inclination provided to the curve portion of road in which the outer edge of road or pavement is raised with respect to inner edge to ensure safely passes of fast moving vehicles without overturning and skidding.


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Camber vs Super-Elevation

  1. ● Camber is slope of road in which center of roadway is raised and outer edge is kept thin whereas Super-elevation is banking of road in which outer edge of road or pavement is raised with respect to inner edge.
  2. ● Camber is provided at the center of roadway to drain off rain water from road surface whereas Super-elevation is provided on curved road to ensure safely passes of fast moving vehicles without overturning and skidding.
  3. ● In India, as per the rules and guidelines of Indian Road Congress (IRC) recommended, ideal and standard values of camber or slope of road for national and state highway Bituminous/ cement concrete Road or pavement is varies between 1.7% to 2% (1 in 60 to 1 in 50) whereas maximum Super-elevation in road is 1 in 15 or 4° or 7% provided for plain, rolling terrain and snowbound area.
  4. ● Value of camber is less than Super-elevation in road. Maximum value of camber is about 4% whereas maximum allowable value of Super-elevation is about 10%.

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About Raja Junaid Iqbal

Hi My name is Raja Junaid Iqbal and i am Land Surveyor by Profession but I've specialized in the field of Q,S and land development. As Professional Surveyor I engaged my self in all over the Gulf since 14 years.

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