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How To Calculate The Cutting Length Of Chair-bar In Footings

How To Calculate The Cutting Length Of Chair-bar In Footings

The chair bars are placed in the footings to support the top and bottom reinforcement cage as shown below.


chair bar footing


You keep it in your mind that, always the top head or supporting part of the chair should be tied to the bottom layer bar (top distribution bar) of the upper cage and the bottom leg part of the chair should be anchored to the bottom layer bar (bottom main bar) of the lower cage.

For your understanding, I have given a drawing of a chair bar showing three parts in it, i.e. head, height & leg.
Chair bar
From the above drawing, we can say that

The cutting length of the chair bar

= [{(2nos.× height ) + (1no. × head ) + ( 2nos. × leg)} – (4nos. × 90° bend )]

= [ 2H + E + 2L – 8d ].

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 Let us now redraw the above-given footing with dimensions & specifications for the calculation purpose.
chair bar 1

Given data:

The diameter of the chair bar = d =12mm.

Top & bottom clear cover = 50 mm.

Depth of footing = 750 mm.

Top & bottom main bar dia. = 20 mm, spacing @ 150c/c.

Top & bottom distribution bar dia. = 16 mm, spacing @ 150 c/c.

Now, we will calculate the length of the three parts of the chair bar separately.

1. Head ( E ):

Chair bar head 1

The length of the head

= [(2nos.× c/c distance between the top distribution bar) + (extra length on either side of the top distribution bar)]

= [( 2nos. × 150mm. ) + ( 2nos. × 50mm. )]

{ Here, 50mm. is taken as the extra length. }

= [ ( 300mm. + 100mm. ]

= 400mm.

2. Height (H ):

Height of the chair

= [(footing depth ) – {(2nos. × clear cover ) + ( dia. of top main bar + dia. of top distribution bar + dia. of bottom main bar)}]

= [(750mm ) – {( 2nos. × 50mm.) + ( 20mm + 16mm + 20mm )}]

= [750mm – { 100mm + 56mm }]

= [ 750mm – 156mm ]

= 594mm.

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3. Leg ( L ):

Chair bar spacing 1

The length of the leg

=  [(2nos.× c/c distance between the bottom main bar) + (extra length on either side of the bottom main bar)]

= [( 2nos. × 150mm. ) + ( 2nos. × 50mm. )]

{ Here, 50mm. is taken as the extra length. }

= [ ( 300mm + 100mm. ]

= 400mm.

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The cutting length of the chair bar

= [ 2H + E + 2L – 8d ]

= [{(2nos.× height ) + (1no. × head ) + ( 2nos. × leg)} – (4nos. × 90° bend )]

= [{(2nos. × 594mm. ) + ( 1no. × 400mm.) + ( 2nos. × 400mm. )} – ( 4nos. × 2d )]

{Here, 2d is taken for the 90° bend, where d is the dia. of chair bar.}

= [ {1188mm. + 400mm. + 800mm.} -( 4nos. × 2 × 12mm )]

= [ 2388mm – 96mm ]

= 2292mm.


1. At least the head and the leg part of the chair should cover 3 nos. of re bars (as shown in the above drawings) to have a firm grip and proper positioning of the upper & lower cage of the footing.

2. For the general calculation purpose 50 mm. is taken as the extra length.


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About Raja Junaid Iqbal

Hi My name is Raja Junaid Iqbal and i am Land Surveyor by Profession but I've specialized in the field of Q,S and land development. As Professional Surveyor I engaged my self in all over the Gulf since 14 years.

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